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We’ve all experienced the pandemic in different ways. The impact of Covid-19 has been more pronounced for some with bereavement, family breakdown, financial hardship and loneliness affecting communities and widening existing inequalities. Young people, in particular, have experienced increased levels of anxiety, depression and eating disorders; with ever more responses to the pandemic and the effect of lockdowns emerging over time.

The Covid Debate Kit addresses many of these issues as it invites pupils to explore the many ways Covid-19 has changed society from a scientific perspective. We hope that pupils will develop a better understanding of the aftermath of the pandemic on their own lives and others who they may be less familiar with.


It may be these conversations remind pupils of their own difficulties or worries, prompting disclosures during or after using the Covid Debate Kit. Alongside being prepared to support pupils yourself, we recommend that safeguarding and guidance/pastoral care leads, alongside SLT and form tutors are made aware when you are running any lessons using the Covid Debate Kit.


To enable a whole-school approach to wellbeing we have included information within this booklet to explain how pupils and their families may be coping with the pandemic, alongside suggestions on how to support pupils and parents, with adaptable lists of reputable sources of advice.


If pupils identify particular issues you feel should be discussed outside of the Covid Debate lesson it might be you recommend these are also covered in PSHE, assemblies, or by external speakers.


Framing conversations (aka content warning)

When you introduce the Covid Debate Kit to your pupils it may help to begin by reminding them:

  • We’ve all experienced the pandemic in different ways
  • Some of us have had to cope with difficult or distressing situations
  • Remember if there is anything worrying pupils they can speak to you, their family or friends. And you will also be providing them with information on places to get help


Support for Teachers & Schools | Support for Students | Support for Parents & Carers